Wednesday, June 13, 2012

2011-2012 school year

(my own design)

Yes, I don't ever want to forget this incredible year. But through time, I'm afraid I will. Below are some pictures from google images (unless otherwise noted) that will hopefully help me remember. (still under added when i have the time)

First off, friends are very important to me. I cherish the friends and friendships I have because I don't know when they may dissapear. I don't make friends very easily, coupled with the fact that every one to two and a half years we would move, only made things harder. The last place I lived, was the longest we've lived in one place. When it's an amazing accomplishment that you lived in one place for 3+ years, you know something is wrong. Anyway, after a year and a half of living there, I started to get nervous and scared because I recognized the pattern, and I knew our time was almost up. I was afraid of loosing and having to leave my friends, partially because when we move, we always loose contact, but mainly because I really liked them. I was actually really close to several of my friends. 2 years passed. Then 2 1/2, then 3. I was relieved when we were out of that window of time when we normally move. We made it passed three years, perhaps we would stay forever. I actually forgot about moving. Then towards the end of last August, Mom and Dad told us we were going to be moving. I was shocked at first, then angrey and heartbroken.
   After I said goodbye to my friends, and although we moved in December, we were still able to finish the semester in Tualatin. That confused my poor brain. Usually when we moved, I would never see my friends again. Then at the end of the semester, my sisters and I got an extension. We were allowed to stay for the rest of the year. Boy we were soo happy! But I was also freaking out and really stressed, especially as the year was drawing to a close because I knew that once the year ended, it would be the end.
    That's why I want to remember the past year. Because things happened that were wonderful. Because I want to remember my friends. Because I don't want to forget. (written 7 Aug 2012)

That is so true.

Ok so I am a big Winnie the Pooh fan, even though I'm not little anymore. ('m also a HUGE Disney fan, so I may quote, or make references to movies.) I don't car what anyone thinks about that, because unless I let it, other people's opinions don't have an effect on me. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Elenor Roosevelt

(It says "It takes half our life to find True Friends & half of it keeping them
I am lucky to have spent less than half my life finding you & wish to spend the rest keeping you!")

A tribute to my friends in Tualatin. You guys have left footprints on my heart.

Also a tribute to my friends- all of them.
To all the friends I've had, and To all the ones in the future. I love you guys.

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