Wednesday, February 20, 2013

glomp- (v) it hug someone after running at them, usually surprising them

Last Wednesday, I visited my friends in Tualatin after school. When I got there, I started to sneak up, but then I decided to just glomp Emily. It was fun. And then out of nowhere, Jeremy glomped me! I totally wasn't expecting it, but then maybe i should have because I told him I would be there. It was awesome. :) ^_^

I miss those spontaneous things that happen w/ my friends, because they are soo fun. :) I really miss that, I mean sure, I can still hang out w/ them (and for that I'm really grateful), but I can't have those spontaneous moments as much. When this school year started, for the first 3 months, it was really hard for me-- not seeing them every day like I used to. I was so depressed. Thankfully being able to hang out w/ them occasionally, and a fair amount of counseling, has greatly helped, and healed, me. I'm more okay now, but I still miss them. After school and during assemblies are the hardest for me, because that's when I'd see and hang out w/ them at school. Especially assemblies; I wanted to cry at the last one because they did something that reminded me of the fun I'd had w/ my friends, especially Emily and Jeremy. 

Being able to see them occasionally on Wednesdays after school, and hang out with them occasionally has helped me realize that they aren't gone forever, like all my previous friends had been before. (Every time we'd move, I wouldn't be able to visit, and I'd loose contact every single time.)

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