Saturday, December 14, 2013

Something Wonderful

So much has happened to me between the time I last posted and today. Remind me to get a post on here about The Emotion Code. But for now I'm going to post about what happened most recently.

Have you ever had something happen to you, that was so wonderful that it seemed like a dream? And no matter how much you tried to convince yourself  that it was really happening, you still thought it was a dream? Something like that happened to me last Saturday, December 7, 2013. That was the date for my church's winter formal. The dance was fun in and of itself, but it was so much more fun because of the person I was there with. :) <3

At times, it was even magical. And that's why Im having such a difficult time convincing myself that it was real. Wonderful stuff like that doesn't happen to me. Now, don't get me wrong, wonderful things happen to me, and miracles happen all the time, but never anything like that. I usually end up sacrificing my happiness for others', and I typically put myself last. So things like this, don't happen to me.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


What is TRUE whether people say it is good or bad, or whether they believe in it at all? What ALWAYS stays the same no matter how much it is degraded, rejected, judged or trodden on?
In a word: TRUTH.

" The wind may howl, and the storms may rage, but it remains thus: Truth will always be truth."

Monday, September 23, 2013

Daily Scripture

"Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghostwherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."        -2 Nephi 32:3

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

I was wrong about my dad.

I've always thought, at least for awhile lately (so it seems like always, and maybe it was), that my dad wasn't doing his job- as a dad. For years I only heard negative things about him from my mom. And I saw only the bad things. My dad wasn't there. My mom and dad fought. My dad was impatient, and controlling. As I entered my teenage years, I blamed him for him and mom almost getting a divorce. I blamed him for every move, for giving away our dog, for not providing for his family, for not being there, and probably for all the pain I felt too.

As I was growing up, I felt alone, hurt and abandoned, because my dad was never there, or so it seemed. When he was there, I remember telling him to stop trying to control my life (and this was while I was in Elementary school- or perhaps, before). I hated moving, starting over, and we were doing it constantly. Most of the time we moved because Dad didn't have any work, and so, I started blaming and loathing him for that too.

All I saw at 'home' was Mom and Dad fighting (verbally), disagreeing, miscommunicating, and arguing. There were very few times it seemed my parents loved each other. When I was almost in 5th grade, my mom was so upset and hurt that she told her three children that she was going to leave and not come back. For a 10 yr old, that's worse than hearing your pet just died. She got in the car and drove off in a huff. I was bawling my eyes out, and completely believed she was gone forever. Later that day, she came back, and I was so happy. (For some reason, I turned many of my parents failures on myself. I told myself, and believed, that it was all my fault. And when I told my parents that, they couldn't understand why I thought that way.)

And then there was the teasing. Dad loves, I mean LOVES to tease me. He's always teased me, throughout my whole life, and I've told him to stop, but he won't. He says it's his way of telling me he likes me (as his daughter), but I just see it as annoying. Many times, his antics would remind me of a child, or my immature peers.

My dislike for my dad and my disgust for his antics grew untill I started to really loathe him. And it grew little by little every time we would move. Lately, my relationship with my dad hasn't been quite up to par, and that's putting it mildly. At least in the past few years, it has progressively been getting worse. Multiple accounts of his teasing getting way out of hand, and bordering on insults, his incessant will to tease me, appearing to me like deliberate attempts to damage my fragile self-esteem, and outright discourtesy towards me as a person have caused me to hate him more, and in the past few months, even label him as a total and complete monster.

And that's what I believed. I believed it with all my heart and soul. But I was wrong.

Today, I was able to go to work with him. At first, I only saw it as an opportunity to earn money. But it was so much more than that. My dad's a carpenter, contractor, electrician- he's a "jack-of-all-trades" really. Today, we were working on someone's house. The lady that lived there talked and talked, about many different things, while her husband sat in the chair next to her. After awhile, although I had just met them, it seemed as though I'd met them before. When we were leaving, one of them told Dad that he'd done a good job (talking about me). That struck me to the core, and as I thought about it, I began to see that it was true. He had done a good job raising my sisters and me. He'd done the best he could. My dad wasn't an alcoholic, he didn't beat me or my mother or my sisters, he didn't do something stupid and go to jail. He did the best he could to provide for his family.

Through the eyes of a child, I understood very little. I blamed and loathed my dad for nearly everything bad that happened to me. Through the eyes of an adult, I can clearly see that I was wrong, and I understand so much more. I have been so selfish, so blind. I was wrong, and I'm terribly sorry and ashamed of the way I've been thinking of and treating my dad. I'm not saying everything's perfect now- it defiantly isn't, and I know we both will make many mistakes in the near future, and I still won't like his teasing,  but maybe now that I understand a little more, maybe I can finally begin to forgive him.

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29, 2013

Well, I guess it'll be hit and miss for this blog.

Anyway, so on Saturday I got back from Young Women's camp. I had a BLAST!! It was really fun, and even now, I still feel supported by the girls in my group. On Friday, I finally did the trust fall, even though I wasn't all the way to the top. Throughout the week, I  had seen girls who were a lot more afraid of doing the trust fall than I was, fall. But I was still scared. So finally on Friday, I decided if I wanted to do it, it had to be then, since this was my last year at camp. I was scared from the moment I started to fall, to the moment my catchers caught me.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 18, 2013

I know it's been awhile since the last time I posted something, but now I'm back.

I don't know, I just don't wanna care about anyone anymore. I think I've been hurt too many times by my family. Like on Sunday. We were planning basicly our lives for the next few months ("because it needed to be done"). Anyway, we were talking about driving to Utah for Labor day weekend, and I said something (I think it was I don't care), don't remember what it was, but then my dad said "We can drag you along behind the car." what the heck!?!? I got upset, because that's just downright mean and NOT okay, and I told dad "well that shows how much you value me." And then he said that wasn't true. Well then, if it wasn't true, WHY did he say that?
Later on my mom started telling me to turn hurtful things people say into complements so it will surprize them. So I asked her how do I turn what dad said into a complement. I mean, seriously, how??? Because currently, I can't think of any.

Then on Monday i think (sometime this week), my family did a whole bunch of things that slighted me. I guess it's pretty much everyone for themselves in our house. The lame thing about that is my sisters and my dad have a tendency to gang up on me. I hate my family because of how I'm treated. Or maybe I should say "family". Because there is NO WAY ON EARTH that we are a family. Families don't hurt each other.

Anyway, I think I might be finally shutting down. I tried to shut down once before, but without realizing it, Jeremy stopped me. :)  I don't know what's going on now though, because when I was depressed, I still could think of Jeremy and my friends and feel a little better. So maybe that's what's happening. I just feel so sad, and I don't want to loose them, but I'm terribly afraid I might. Especially Jeremy.

I thought about that the other day, and I realized I need him just as much as he probably needs me- I probably need him more though. *sigh* I don't know.

Oh and I'm really sorry Jeremy if you, or any of our friends or family read this. (I have a feeling I'm going to be embarrassed later on.)

Oh also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lilly!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12, 2013

Last day of school!!! :D ^_^

It's weird that a whole year has gone by. And it's weird to think this time last year, I was at a different school. Finals went by fine, but after I got off my friends' bus, I was depressed and very sad because I didn't want to leave my friends again. But then I went to one of my friend's End-of year Party, and it was a BLAST!!!
I'm so excited for today because I get to see everyone again!!! ^_^ I can't wait!!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Quote of the Day

"The POWER to change the world
comes not from fear and manipulation,
But from love and understanding."


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 4, 2013

Hey guys. School's almost over, but I'm stressing so much whenever someone mentions that. Because I missed so much school, I am completely stressing more and more each day because I have to get caught up. Anyway, this is for anyone who needs it, or needs the reminder. Images found on google.

Monday, June 3, 2013


I had an assignment in class to write 3 vignettes. It was my first time writing that way, so it was challenging for me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy them!

Vignette 1- “Ver-nowhere”
May 17, 2013

Vernonia, Oregon is one of those really small towns that almost no one knows about. In fact, Vernonians joke about it and call it “Vernowhere”. It’s near Portland, but it’s closer to Forest Grove, making it on the way to the coast. It’s not like the town was bypassed because the freeway got put in, but more like it was never on the route in the first place (though-the way to Vernonia is on a long and old logging road, so maybe it was bypassed).
Confusion, lost, lonely, hurt, damaged. That was me. Anyway, that’s where I spent my 7th grade year from mid-November till school got out in June. So much happened in that small, almost forgotten town. So much pain and confusion.
I was living with my mom and sisters in my grandma’s house in Utah, but I made a mistake and was kicked out. So then I was ‘shipped’ (by airplane) to “Vernowhere” to live with my aunt and her family.  
After about a month and a half, maybe two, my aunt couldn’t take me and my cousins' fighting anymore. I was relocated to live with another aunt and uncle who lived in Vernonia sometime in January, and was told my father would join me soon, which after a few weeks, he did.
It was strange, after I moved out of my first aunt's house, my cousin started being nicer to me (although sometimes, because of peer pressure, she was downright nasty), and we started hanging out more. But it wasn’t always smiles. Confusion, lost, lonely, hurt, damaged. That was me. But slowly, I was healing.

Vignette 2- Tualatin-June Freshman Yr
May 17, 2013

You never know what you will do until it happens. A few years ago, one of my friends, who wears glasses, (remember that, it’ll be important later) got pegged in the face with a dodgeball, and sent to the nurses office. I didn’t find out about it until after school, because I didn’t have any classes with him. Call me over-protective, or that I was over-reacting, or whatever, but I wondered if he was okay. From what one of my other friends said, it sounded really painful. Then I was faced with a decision: make sure I catch my bus, or risk it and check to see if he was okay. Bouncing it around in my head, I finally made my decision when I asked myself, “if I were hurt, would I want my friends to come see me?” “Besides,” I thought as I ran to the office, “my mom could pick me up.” I’ll admit, I did rush in there, and I was feeling a little panicked, so I was over-reacting a little, but that’s okay. It was worth it.
So I went in there, and sat down on the other bed next to him. After a couple minutes he sat up, although it looked like it hurt a lot, and probably gave him a really bad headache. When the dodgeball hit his face, it had pushed one of his nose pads into his cornea. We talked quietly for several minutes. Then he said I should probably catch my bus. I took my time leaving; I had already made the decision that I could miss my bus and stay as long as he needed me to. Stepping outside, I watched my bus pull up, and I was so happy and thanked Heavenly Father for the opportunity to serve.

Vignette 3- Tualatin
May 17, 2013

My friends are there. So is my second home. I miss it not because of the city itself, nor my classmates. I miss it because of the people I love, and left. At first, I really didn’t want to be there because I was so angry at moving again, and being dragged away from my my best friend. I was so angry, without hope, and so hurt, I wanted to shut down. Yet, as time went on, I met some people that changed my life forever.

One of those people was Emily. She was in my 8th grade science and art classes. At first, I didn’t want to be friends with anyone, because I couldn’t see the point. “We would move anyway.” Although we weren’t great friends, she brightened up my day, and gave me someone to talk to. As the year plodded on, I looked forward to science, and especially art, because Emily would be there.  (It wasn’t untill freshman year that we became close enough for me to say she was my best friend, right after Heather.)

Another was Jeremy. I used to sit with my sisters and their friends, but when one of their friends made a comment I didn’t like, I kicked myself out. For a good part of the year, I sat alone. A long while later (about a few months), I was invited to sit with the people at the table next to me. I stayed there for a little while, but didn’t really feel comfortable because it was the popular kids’ table- and my crush sat there. When I moved back to  my original table, there were three other people who had occupied it while I was gone, but I didn’t care because it was my table. After a few weeks, we started talking to each other a little bit. That’s how I met Jeremy (and Alec and Cyan). I credit Jeremy for not letting me shut down, even though he didn’t know it. Once I met him, I opened up and wanted to be his friend because he was cool.

And then there’s Christie, Allison, and Shaelyn. They were in my ward at church. They were really good friends to me. They were always nice and friendly; they accepted me for me, even though many at church didn’t. I look up to them, Shaelyn was such an example to me, Allie was always so nice, and Christie, well she was so smiley and had an aura about her that you just had to love.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1, 2013

One of the few timew where I will actually hit my head on the celing just occurred. I was on the stairs, and I ascked mom where a game we were going to play was. I backed up, and whapped my head- pretty hard- on the ceiling. I have a headache now.

Complete List of Disney Movies

Hey guys! I was looking on the internet, and I found a complete list of Disney movies!! I was surprised that a few anime movies that I've seen were on there.

Also fun fact: there are only 6 Disney movies that are PG-13.

  Swiss Family RobinsonRumorN/A mins.N/A
  20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain NemoRumorN/A mins.N/A
  1906Pre-Prod.N/A mins.N/A
  Toy Story 42015mins.
  Finding Dory2015mins.
  National Treasure 32014N/a mins.N/A
  Jungle Cruise2014N/A mins.N/A
  Good Dinosaur, The2014mins.
  Monsters University2013N/A mins.N/A
  Lone Ranger2013N/A mins.N/A
  Oz: The Great and Powerful2013130 mins.PG
  Tink2013N/A mins.N/A
  Magic Kingdom2013N/A mins.N/A
  Phineas and Ferb Movie2013mins.
  McFarland2013N/A mins.N/A
  Hill, The2013N/A mins.N/A
  Super Buddies2013N/A mins.NR
  Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings2012N/A mins.G
  Let It Shine2012NA mins.NR
  Brave2012100 mins.PG
  Odd Life of Timothy Green, The2012105 mins.PG
  John Carter2012132 mins.PG-13
  Frenemies2012N/A mins.NR
  Wreck-It Ralph2012108 mins.PG
  Frankenweenie201287 mins.PG
  Secret World of Arrietty, The201294 mins.G
  Treasure Buddies201292 mins.G
  Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta!201290 mins.G
  Radio Rebel201289 mins.NR
  Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess201290 mins.G
  Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups201288 mins.G
  Girl vs. Monster201289 mins.NR
  Mars Needs Moms201188 mins.PG
  Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides2011136 mins.PG-13
  Cars 22011113 mins.G
  Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2201184 mins.G
  Prom2011104 mins.PG
  Winnie the Pooh201163 mins.G
  Lemonade Mouth2011107 mins.G
  Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure201189 mins.G
  Suite Life Movie, The201179 mins.NR
  Once Upon A Warrior (Anaganaga O Dheerudu)2011133 mins.PG-13
  Muppets, The2011103 mins.PG
  Spooky Buddies201188 mins.G
  Phineas & Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension201178 mins.G
  Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas201190 mins.NR
  Geek Charming201198 mins.G
  Alice In Wonderland2010108 mins.PG
  Prince of Persia : Sands of Time2010116 mins.PG
  Toy Story 32010103 mins.G
  Star Struck201090 mins.NR
  Sorcerers Apprentice2010109 mins.PG
  TRON Legacy2010127 mins.PG
  Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue201076 mins.G
  Tangled2010100 mins.PG
  Secretariat2010123 mins.PG
  Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam201097 mins.G
  Den Brother201089 mins.G
  Avalon High2010N/A mins.PG
  Search for Santa Paws, The201088 mins.G
  Race to Witch Mountain200998 mins.PG
  Hannah Montana: The Movie2009102 mins.G
  Up200986 mins.G
  Space Buddies200984 mins.G
  G-Force200989 mins.G
  Dadnapped200990 mins.G
  Hatching Pete200989 mins.G
  Tigger & Pooh and a Musical Too200960 mins.NR
  Princess and the Frog, The200997 mins.G
  Ponyo2009103 mins.G
  Princess Protection Program200989 mins.G
  Old Dogs200988 mins.PG
  Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure200981 mins.G
  Christmas Carol, A200998 mins.PG
  Santa Buddies200988 mins.G
  Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie200998 mins.G
  Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian2008144 mins.PG
  High School Musical 3: Senior Year2008100 mins.PG
  Wall E200898 mins.G
  College Road Trip200883 mins.G
  Beverly Hills Chihuahua200893 mins.PG
  Minutemen200898 mins.G
  Camp Rock200894 mins.G
  Bolt200896 mins.G
  Tinker Bell200870 mins.G
  Little Mermaid III - Ariel's Beginning200877 mins.NR
  Bedtime Stories200899 mins.PG
  Cheetah Girls, The: One World200890 mins.G
  Snow Buddies200887 mins.G
  Meet the Robinsons2007102 mins.G
  Jump In!200785 mins.G
  Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board200792 mins.G
  Bridge to Terabithia200795 mins.PG
  Cinderella III: A Twist in Time200770 mins.G
  Underdog200784 mins.PG
  Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End2007148 mins.PG-13
  Ratatouille2007110 mins.G
  Game Plan, The2007110 mins.PG
  Enchanted2007107 mins.PG
  National Treasure: Book of Secrets2007124 mins.PG
  High School Musical 22007104 mins.PG
  Twitches Too200783 mins.NR
  My Friends Tigger and Pooh: Super Sleuth Christmas200744 mins.NR
  Secret of the Magic Gourd, The200785 mins.G
  Shaggy Dog, The200698 mins.PG
  Eight Below2006120 mins.PG
  Wild, The200694 mins.G
  Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest2006150 mins.PG-13
  Invincible2006105 mins.PG
  Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause200698 mins.G
  Cars2006116 mins.G
  Bambi II200670 mins.G
  Glory Road2006118 mins.PG
  Fox and the Hound 2, The200669 mins.G
  Brother Bear 2200670 mins.G
  High School Musical200693 mins.PG
  Return to Halloweentown200688 mins.NR
  Cheetah Girls 2, The200696 mins.G
  Cow Belles200690 mins.G
  Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior200691 mins.TV-PG
  Read It And Weep200684 mins.G
  Air Buddies200680 mins.PG
  Herbie Fully Loaded2005101 mins.G
  Chicken Little200581 mins.G
  Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe2005143 mins.PG
  Buffalo Dreams200590 mins.NR
  Now You See It200583 mins.G
  Kronk's New Groove200572 mins.G
  Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie200567 mins.G
  Sky High2005100 mins.PG
  Ice Princess200598 mins.G
  Pacifier, The200595 mins.PG
  Pooh's Heffalump Movie200568 mins.G
  Lilo and Stitch 2: Stich Has a Glitch200568 mins.PG
  Twitches200586 mins.PG
  Proud Family Movie, The200590 mins.G
  Life is Ruff200584 mins.G
  Go Figure200588 mins.G
  Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama200581 mins.G
  Once Upon a Mattress200590 mins.PG
  Valiant200576 mins.G
  Greatest Game Ever Played, The2005120 mins.PG
  Emperor's New Groove 2: Kronk's New Groove200572 mins.G
  Incredibles, The2004115 mins.PG
  Lion King 1 1/2, The200477 mins.G
  Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas200468 mins.G
  National Treasure2004131 mins.PG
  Mulan II200479 mins.G
  Howl's Moving Castle2004119 mins.PG
  Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement2004113 mins.G
  Three Musketeers, The (Animated)200468 mins.G
  Around the World in 80 Days2004120 mins.PG
  Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo200465 mins.G
  Home on the Range200476 mins.PG
  Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen200489 mins.PG
  Miracle2004135 mins.PG
  Teacher's Pet200474 mins.PG
  Stuck in the Suburbs200482 mins.G
  Tiger Cruise200488 mins.PG
  Halloweentown High200483 mins.G
  Zenon: Z3200481 mins.G
  Pixel Perfect200485 mins.G
  Going to the Mat200496 mins.G
  Finding Nemo2003100 mins.G
  Young Black Stallion, The200345 mins.G
  Haunted Mansion, The200388 mins.PG
  George of the Jungle 2200387 mins.PG
  Freaky Friday200397 mins.PG
  Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl2003143 mins.PG-13
  Lizzie McGuire Movie200394 mins.PG
  Atlantis: Milo's Return200370 mins.G
  Holes2003117 mins.PG
  Piglet's Big Movie200375 mins.G
  Inspector Gadget 2200389 mins.G
  Jungle Book 2, The200372 mins.G
  101 Dalmations II: Patch's London Adventure200370 mins.G
  Brother Bear200382 mins.G
  You Wish!2003100 mins.NR
  Right On Track200389 mins.G
  Even Stevens Movie, The200393 mins.NR
  Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off200385 mins.NR
  Cheetah Girls, The2003100 mins.NR
  Full-Court Miracle200390 mins.NR
  Air Bud Spikes Back200387 mins.G
  Rookie, The2002127 mins.G
  Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Christmas200265 mins.G
  Treasure Planet200295 mins.PG
  Santa Clause 2: The Mrs. Clause2002105 mins.G
  Tuck Everlasting200290 mins.PG
  Country Bears, The200288 mins.G
  Lilo & Stitch200285 mins.PG
  Cinderella II: Dreams Come True200273 mins.G
  Return to Never Land200272 mins.G
  Snow Dogs200295 mins.PG
  Double Teamed2002120 mins.G
  Cadet Kelly2002101 mins.G
  Tru Confessions200281 mins.G
  Get a Clue200283 mins.G
  Gotta Kick It Up!200278 mins.G
  Ring of Endless Light, A200288 mins.G
  Scream Team, The2002100 mins.G
  Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch200293 mins.G
  Monsters, Inc200192 mins.G
  Max Keeble's Big Move200186 mins.PG
  Princess Diaries, The2001115 mins.G
  Spirited Away2001125 mins.PG
  Atlantis: The Lost Empire200195 mins.PG
  Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure200169 mins.G
  Recess: School's Out200182 mins.G
  Motocrossed200188 mins.NR
  Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse200165 mins.G
  Zenon: The Zequel2001100 mins.G
  Luck of the Irish200186 mins.G
  Hounded200192 mins.G
  Jennie Project, The200176 mins.G
  Jumping Ship200193 mins.G
  Poof Point, The200190 mins.G
  Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge200181 mins.NR
  Twas the Night200184 mins.NR
  Other Side of Heaven, The2001113 mins.PG
  Emperor's New Groove, The200078 mins.G
  102 Dalmatians2000100 mins.G
  Remember the Titans2000113 mins.PG
  Little Mermaid II, The: Return to the Sea200072 mins.G
  Kid, The2000104 mins.PG
  Dinosaur200082 mins.G
  Whispers: An Elephant's Tale200072 mins.G
  Extremely Goofy Movie, An200076 mins.G
  Geppetto200089 mins.NR
  Mail to the Chief200089 mins.NR
  Air Bud 3: World Pup200083 mins.G
  Angels In The Infield200087 mins.PG
  Up, Up, and Away200090 mins.G
  Color of Friendship, The200087 mins.G
  Alley Cats Strike200087 mins.G
  Rip Girls200087 mins.G
  Miracle in Lane 22000120 mins.G
  Stepsister From Planet Weird200085 mins.G
  Ready to Run200096 mins.G
  Quints200083 mins.G
  Other Me, The200090 mins.G
  Mom's Got A Date With A Vampire200085 mins.PG
  Phantom of the Megaplex200089 mins.G
  Ultimate Christmas Present, The200085 mins.G
  Toy Story 2199992 mins.G
  Fantasia 2000199975 mins.G
  Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas199966 mins.G
  H-E Double Hockey Sticks199995 mins.NR
  Inspector Gadget199978 mins.PG
  Tarzan199988 mins.G
  Straight Story, The1999112 mins.G
  Doug's 1st Movie199977 mins.G
  My Favorite Martian199993 mins.PG
  Endurance199983 mins.PG
  Smart House199990 mins.G
  Horse Sense199992 mins.G
  Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century199997 mins.G
  Bugs Life, A199896 mins.G
  Lion King II: Simbas Pride, The199881 mins.G
  Mighty Joe Young1998114 mins.PG
  I'll Be Home for Christmas199886 mins.PG
  Air Bud: Golden Receiver199890 mins.G
  Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World199872 mins.G
  Parent Trap, The (new)1998127 mins.PG
  Mulan199888 mins.G
  Meet the Deedles199893 mins.PG
  Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, The199877 mins.PG
  Knight In Camelot, A199890 mins.NR
  Brink!199899 mins.NR
  Mr. Magoo199787 mins.PG
  Flubber199793 mins.PG
  Hercules199792 mins.G
  George of the Jungle 199792 mins.PG
  Darn Cat, That199789 mins.PG
  Air Bud199798 mins.PG
  Angels in the Endzone199788 mins.
  Northern Lights1997111 mins.NR
  Under Wraps199795 mins.NR
  Rocket Man199795 mins.PG
  Jungle 2 Jungle1997105 mins.PG
  Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas199772 mins.G
  Muppet Treasure Island 199699 mins.G
  101 Dalmatians1996103 mins.G
  Hunchback of Notre Dame, The199691 mins.G
  D3: The Mighty Ducks1996104 mins.PG
  Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco199689 mins.G
  James and the Giant Peach199679 mins.PG
  First Kid1996101 mins.PG
  Toy Story199585 mins.G
  Tom and Huck199597 mins.PG
  Big Green, The1995100 mins.PG
  Kid in King Arthur's Court, A199589 mins.PG
  Operation Dumbo Drop1995107 mins.PG
  Pocahontas199581 mins.G
  Goofy Movie, A199578 mins.G
  Heavy Weights1995100 mins.PG
  Man of the House199596 mins.PG
  Tall Tale199598 mins.PG
  Lion King, The199489 mins.G
  Santa Clause, The199497 mins.PG
  Angels in the Outfield1994102 mins.PG
  D2: The Mighty Ducks1994106 mins.PG
  White Fang 21994106 mins.PG
  Iron Will1994108 mins.PG
  Blank Check199493 mins.PG
  Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book1994111 mins.PG
  Squanto: A Warrior's Tale1994102 mins.PG
  Adventures of Huck Finn, The1993108 mins.PG
  Cool Runnings199398 mins.PG
  Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey199384 mins.G
  Three Musketeers, The1993105 mins.PG
  Hocus Pocus199396 mins.PG
  Far Off Place, A1993100 mins.PG
  Aladdin199290 mins.G
  Newsies1992121 mins.PG
  Mighty Ducks, The1992100 mins.PG
  Muppet Christmas Carol, The199285 mins.G
  Honey I Blew Up the Kid199289 mins.PG
  Beauty and the Beast199184 mins.G
  White Fang1991107 mins.PG
  Rocketeer1991108 mins.PG
  Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken199188 mins.G
  Rescuers Down Under, The199077 mins.G
  DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp199074 mins.G
  Shipwrecked199092 mins.PG
  Little Mermaid, The198983 mins.G
  Cheetah198983 mins.G
  Honey, I Shrunk the Kids198993 mins.PG
  Oliver and Company198874 mins.g
  Return to Snowy River1988110 mins.PG
  Brave Little Toaster, The198790 mins.
  Benji the Hunted198788 mins.G
  Flight of the Navigator198690 mins.PG
  Basil - The Great Mouse Detective198674 mins.G
  One Magic Christmas198588 mins.G
  Journey of Natty Gann, The1985101 mins.PG
  Black Cauldron, The 198580 mins.PG
  Return to Oz1985113 mins.PG
  Where the Toys Come From198458 mins.NR
  Love Leads the Way198499 mins.NR
  Never Cry Wolf198391 mins.PG
  Tiger Town198395 mins.NR
  Trenchcoat198391 mins.PG
  Something Wicked This Way Comes198395 mins.PG
  Tron198296 mins.PG
  Night Crossing1982107 mins.PG
  Tex1982103 mins.PG
  Fox and the Hound, The198183 mins.G
  Condorman198190 mins.PG
  Devil and Max Devlin, The198196 mins.PG
  Amy1981100 mins.G
  Dragonslayer1981108 mins.PG
  Herbie Goes Bananas1980100 mins.G
  Last Flight of Noah's Ark. The198097 mins.G
  Popeye1980114 mins.PG
  Midnight Madness1980112 mins.PG
  Watcher in the Woods, The198084 mins.PG
  Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again197988 mins.G
  Black Hole, The197998 mins.PG
  North Avenue Irregulars, The1979100 mins.G
  Unidentified Flying Oddball197993 mins.G
  Cat from Outer Space, The1978104 mins.G
  Return from Witch Mountain197895 mins.G
  Hot Lead and Cold Feet197890 mins.G
  Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo1977105 mins.G
  Pete's Dragon1977128 mins.G
  Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The197774 mins.G
  Tale of Two Critters, A197748 mins.G
  Rescuers, The197778 mins.G
  Candleshoe1977101 mins.G
  Gus197696 mins.G
  Shaggy D.A., The197691 mins.G
  Freaky Friday197695 mins.G
  No Deposit, No Return1976112 mins.G
  Treasure of Matecumbe1976117 mins.G
  Escape From The Dark (The Littlest Horse Thieves)1976104 mins.G
  Apple Dumpling Gang, The1975100 mins.G
  Strongest Man in the World, The197592 mins.G
  Escape to Witch Mountain197597 mins.G
  One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing1975100 mins.G
  Boy Who Talked to Badgers, The197598 mins.
  Ride A Wild Pony197591 mins.G
  Herbie Rides Again197488 mins.G
  Bears and I, The197489 mins.G
  Castaway Cowboy197491 mins.G
  Island at the Top of the World, The197493 mins.NR
  Robin Hood197383 mins.G
  Superdad197396 mins.G
  Mustang1973N/A mins.N/A
  One Little Indian197390 mins.G
  Charley and the Angel197393 mins.G
  World's Greatest Athlete, The197393 mins.G
  Now You See Him, Now You Don't197288 mins.G
  Biscuit Eater, The197290 mins.G
  Snowball Express197293 mins.NR
  Napoleon and Samantha197292 mins.G
  Run, Cougar, Run197287 mins.G
  Chandar, the Black Leopard of Ceylon197290 mins.NR
  Bedknobs and Broomsticks1971117 mins.G
  Million Dollar Duck, The197189 mins.G
  Barefoot Executive, The197196 mins.NR
  Scandalous John1971113 mins.NR
  AristoCats, The197078 mins.G
  Smoke197080 mins.NR
  Boatniks, The197099 mins.G
  King of the Grizzlies197093 mins.G
  Wild Country, The1970100 mins.G
  Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, The196991 mins.G
  Smith!1969112 mins.G
  Rascal196985 mins.G
  Love Bug, The1968107 mins.G
  Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit, The1968113 mins.G
  One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band, The1968110 mins.G
  Blackbeard's Ghost1968106 mins.G
  Never A Dull Moment196899 mins.G
  Jungle Book, The196778 mins.G
  Monkeys, Go Home!1967101 mins.NR
  Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin, The1967108 mins.NR
  Gnome-Mobile, The196784 mins.NR
  Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar196775 mins.NR
  Happiest Millionaire, The1967141 mins.G
  Ugly Dachshund, The196693 mins.NR
  Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N.196695 mins.NR
  Fighting Prince of Donegal, The1966110 mins.NR
  Follow Me, Boys!1966131 mins.NR
  Darn Cat, That1965116 mins.G
  Those Calloways1965126 mins.NR
  Monkey's Uncle, The196587 mins.NR
  Mary Poppins1964139 mins.G
  Emil and the Detectives196492 mins.NR
  Moon Spinners, The1964118 mins.G
  Three Lives of Thomasina, The196497 mins.NR
  Misadventures of Merlin Jones, The196491 mins.NR
  Tiger Walks, A196491 mins.NR
  Sword in the Stone, The196379 mins.G
  Incredible Journey, The196380 mins.G
  Summer Magic1963109 mins.G
  Miracle of the White Stallions196393 mins.G
  Savage Sam1963103 mins.NR
  Son of Flubber1963100 mins.
  Bon Voyage!1962130 mins.NR
  Big Red196289 mins.NR
  Moon Pilot196298 mins.NR
  In Search of Castaways196298 mins.NR
  Almost Angels196293 mins.NR
  Legend of Lobo, The196269 mins.G
  101 Dalmatians (Animated)196179 mins.G
  Absent-Minded Professor, The196192 mins.NR
  Parent Trap, The1961129 mins.NR
  Babes in Toyland1961106 mins.NR
  Greyfriars Bobby196187 mins.NR
  Swiss Family Robinson1960126 mins.G
  Toby Tyler196096 mins.G
  Pollyanna1960134 mins.G
  Kidnapped196095 mins.PG
  Ten Who Dared196092 mins.NR
  Sign of Zorro, The196091 mins.NR
  Sleeping Beauty195975 mins.G
  Shaggy Dog, The1959104 mins.G
  Darby O'Gill and the Little People195993 mins.NR
  Third Man on the Mountain1959105 mins.G
  Tonka195898 mins.NR
  Light in the Forest, The195883 mins.NR
  Old Yeller195783 mins.G
  Johnny Tremain195780 mins.NR
  Great Locomotive Chase, The195685 mins.NR
  Davy Crockett and the River Pirates195681 mins.G
  Westward Ho, The Wagons!195690 mins.NR
  Lady and the Tramp195576 mins.G
  Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier195593 mins.G
  Littlest Outlaw, The195573 mins.NR
  20,000 Leagues Under the Sea1954127 mins.NR
  Peter Pan195377 mins.NR
  Sword and the Rose, The195392 mins.NR
  Rob Roy: The Highland Rogue195391 mins.NR
  Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men, The195284 mins.PG
  Alice in Wonderland195175 mins.G
  Cinderella195074 mins.G
  Treasure Island195096 mins.PG
  Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, The194968 mins.NR
  Melody Time194875 mins.NR
  So Dear to My Heart194882 mins.G
  Fun & Fancy Free194773 mins.G
  Song of the South194694 mins.G
  Make Mine Music194674 mins.NR
  Three Caballeros, The194469 mins.G
  Saludos Amigos194375 mins.NR
  Victory Through Air Power194370 mins.G
  Bambi194269 mins.NR
  Dumbo194164 mins.G
  Reluctant Dragon, The194174 mins.NR
  Fantasia1940120 mins.G
  Pinocchio194088 mins.G
  Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs193783 mins.NR

*Disclaimer: I did not create the list, nor do I own the website on which it was created. I just simply copied and pasted from the site.