Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A few minutes ago, when we were getting off the bus, I stood to block everyone else from going, and let someone else go first. I feel so happy and warm inside. I like to serve others, and I'm really glad I started the day out right. :)
I'm so happy for the Christmas season coming up!!! I just love Christmas!! The lights and the brotherly kindness and love are some of my favorite parts. I love how people care about each other, and they actually want to help others who don't have as much as they do. I just wish that would last all year round. Yes, I'm excited for presents as well, and I love to unwrap something that's just for me on Christmas morn, but this year there won't be many presents under the tree. That's okay because my parents are giving me and my sisters one of the best presents this year. We're going to have a Christmas Party with a few of our friends from Tualatin!!! I am soo excited for it- I've even had some dreams about it!!

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. May the love of Christ enter your homes. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Haunaka (I hope I spelled that right), Happy Kwanza, or if you don't celebrate any holidays, have a wonderful and warm winter!!

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