Thursday, December 13, 2012

Aha moments

Bethlehem in Hebrew means house of bread, and that's where the Bread of Life (Christ) was born. (13 Dec. 2012)

Sometime in the spring of this year (2012), after I had gotten a stuffed lamb from one of my friends, I started singing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" because it just popped into my head. Then I was like "wait a minute" I looked at the poster on the back of my door of Mary holding baby Jesus "Mary had a little Lamb, It's fleece was white as snow." I was like "OhMyWord!! That is SOO cool!!!" Mary DID have a little Lamb, because one of the names for the Savior is "the Lamb of God", and the line "It's fleece was white as snow" is that he is pure, and has committed no sin.
I also simultaneously remembered the scripture in Isaiah, I think chapter one verse eighteen, where it says "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be like crimson, they shall be as wool." The second line in "Mary Had a Little Lamb" could also be talking about how He paid for our sins and cleansed us. I don't mean to be preachy, I just thought that was really cool.

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